Scales | 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000 & 1:1 000 000 |
Airport Area
The defined area of a facility licensed, certified or registered by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft and associated cargo.
Minimum Size Criterion:
Minimum Size for Inclusion: | Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features |
Minimum Size for Data Captured and Map Representation (per scale): |
Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features Regardless of Scale |
Data Attributes
FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.
Airport Area
NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]
Name of airport.
FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Spatial Verification
FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.
ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6) ; Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Attribute Verification.
ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.
PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. (See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information);
REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
STAKEHOLDERID (STKEHDRID) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the id used by GA stakeholders or collaborators to identify the link between data maintained, captured or held by GA and their own datasets.
STAKEHOLDER NAME RELATED TO ID ENTRY (STKEHDRNAME) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the name of stakeholders or collaborators from whom the stakeholderid has been derived and data link is maintained.
EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;5;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.
SYMBOL FOR 100 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL100K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 250 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL250K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 1 000 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOLWAC1Mil) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
GLOBAL IDENTIFIER (GlobalID) [Global ID;Yes;Pop_Aut] A unique system generated Global Identifier. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
Geodatabase Rules
General - All Scales
The classification of facilities will be done according to the Enroute Supplement Australia published by Airservices Australia and supplied as reference material. Only facilities shown as licensed, certified or registered in the Enroute Supplement will be represented using the Airport Area feature type.
Abandoned airports will not be shown.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset
General - All Scales
A Landing Ground must not overlap;
Airport Area
Runways, Aprons and Taxiways must be fully contained within the Airport Area feature type.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset
Map Rules
Related Features
Related Chapters
Related Products
Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.
Scales | 1:25 000 & 1:100 000 |
A defined area on a land airport or aerodrome facility intended to accommodate aircraft for the purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance.
Minimum Size Criterion:
Minimum Size for Inclusion: | Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features | 5625 |
Minimum Size for Data Captured and Map Representation (per scale): |
Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
1:25 000 | 5625 | |
1:100 000 | 22500 | |
Data Attributes
FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.
SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature.
DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.
NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
ALTERNATIVE NAME (ALTERNATENAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep] An Alternate Name given to the entity;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
AIRPORT DESIGNATION (AIRPORTDESIGNATION) [String;Yes;25;0;0;Pop_Req] International or Domestic Designation for Airport;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
ELEVATION IN FT (ELEVATIONFT) [Single;Yes;0;6;2;Pop_Wk] The elevation of the entity in feet above sea level.
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
FACILITIES (FACILITIES) [String;Yes;20;0;0;Pop_Dep] The existence of Facilities associated with Aeronautical Features such as an Aerodrome;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
ICAO DESIGNATION (ICAODESIGNATION) [String;Yes;4;0;0;Pop_Wk] The designation code provided by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO);
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
STATUS (STATUS) [String;Yes(No);18;0;0;Pop_Req] Code for operational status;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
SURFACE (SURFACE) [String;Yes;24;0;0;Pop_Req] The description of the landing surface of the Aircraft Facility;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
USAGE (USAGES) [String;Yes;75;0;0;Pop_Wk] The description of the type of civil and/or military use of the Aircraft Facility;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Spatial Verification
FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.
ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6) ; Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Attribute Verification.
ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.
PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. (See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information);
METADATA COMMENTS (METADATACOMMENT) [String;Yes;1000;0;0;Pop_Dep] Comments expanding on the issues related to data capture, representation or sources.
REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
STAKEHOLDERID (STKEHDRID) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the id used by GA stakeholders or collaborators to identify the link between data maintained, captured or held by GA and their own datasets.
STAKEHOLDER NAME RELATED TO ID ENTRY (STKEHDRNAME) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the name of stakeholders or collaborators from whom the stakeholderid has been derived and data link is maintained.
UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;
UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;25;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainty;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;
Automatically Assigned
VERIFICATION STATUS (VERIFICATIONSTATUS) [String;Yes;30;0;0;Pop_Req] The verification status of the confirmation of Aircraft Facility existence (and where available attribution);
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;5;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.
SYMBOL FOR 100 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL100K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 250 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL250K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 1 000 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOLWAC1Mil) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
GLOBAL IDENTIFIER (GlobalID) [Global ID;Yes;Pop_Aut] A unique system generated Global Identifier. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
Geodatabase Rules
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset
General - All Scales
Runways, Aprons and Taxiways must be fully contained within the Airport Area feature type.
Aprons must not overlap Runways.
Where Aprons abut Runways and Taxiways in reality they should be made coincident along those portions of the features.
The end nodes of taxiways shall be coincident with a vertex on the perimeter of an Aircraft Facility Area (feature class) polygon, the end nodes of two or more intersecting taxiways or with a building representing its destination point.
For an Apron to be eligible for a specific Upperscale Value it must;
- meet the minimum map representation size criteria; and
- abut/overlap a Taxiway or Runway which has been assigned the same specified Upperscale value.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset
Map Rules
General - All Scales
Aprons will not be represented on the map.
Related Features
Runway, Runway Centreline, Landing Ground, Heliport, Airport Area, Taxiway, Community Or Commercial Building (Area), Emergency Services Building (Area), Industry Infrastructure Building (Area), Other Building (Area), Community Or Commercial Building (Point), Emergency Services Building (Point), Industry Infrastructure Building (Point), Other Building (Point)
Related Chapters
Related Products
Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.
Scales | 1:100 000 |
Aviation Anno 100K
Type associated with the Aviation Feature Dataset for 1:100 000 scale
Minimum Size Criterion:
Minimum Size for Inclusion: | Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features |
Minimum Size for Data Captured and Map Representation (per scale): |
Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features Regardless of Scale |
Data Attributes
ANNOTATION CLASS IDENTIFER (ANNOTATIONCLASSID) [Integer;Yes;0;10;0;Pop_Aut] This is the Annotation Class Identifier which is used to define annotation subtypes.
The following annotation classes exist in AviationAnno;
FEATURE (FEATURE) [String;Yes;32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the class of topographic feature represented by the annotation. This field must be a legitimate feature class name.
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AviationFCs;
REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;5;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.
GLOBAL IDENTIFIER (GlobalID) [Global ID;Yes;Pop_Aut] A unique system generated Global Identifier. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
Geodatabase Rules
General - All Scales
No feature type field exists for this annotation feature class. The feature type has only been included throughout the specification documentation for ease of reference.
Only Annotation associated with, or derived from, entities in feature classes grouped within the Aviation feature dataset should exist within the AviationAnno feature class.
Wherever possible annotation should be stored using the subclasses indicated under AnnotationClassID. Annotation stored as inline text should be kept to a minimum.
Type for large polygons and long linear features may be held in an annotation feature for each word to allow for spacing and differences in orientation, see Section 2 chapter 4.
Annotation should not contain any HTML tags within the blob element, nor should it contain any special characters.
Editing and placement of Annotation should be conducted in the appropriate MGA 1994 zone to ensure the spatial position of type on the map face can be correctly represented.
Annotation should only occur where the associated feature either has a sufficient dimension size or Upperscale value to be shown at 1:100 000 scale or a smaller scale/larger extent (eg 1:250 000, 1:1 000 000)
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset
Map Rules
Related Features
Related Chapters
Related Products
Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.
Scales | 1:250 000 |
Aviation Anno 250K
Type associated with the Aviation Feature Dataset for 1:250 000 scale
Minimum Size Criterion:
Minimum Size for Inclusion: | Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features |
Minimum Size for Data Captured and Map Representation (per scale): |
Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features Regardless of Scale |
Data Attributes
ANNOTATION CLASS IDENTIFER (ANNOTATIONCLASSID) [Integer;Yes;0;10;0;Pop_Aut] This is the Annotation Class Identifier which is used to define annotation subtypes.
The following annotation classes exist in AviationAnno;
FEATURE (FEATURE) [String;Yes;32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the class of topographic feature represented by the annotation. This field must be a legitimate feature class name.
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AviationFCs;
REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;5;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.
GLOBAL IDENTIFIER (GlobalID) [Global ID;Yes;Pop_Aut] A unique system generated Global Identifier. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
Geodatabase Rules
General - All Scales
No feature type field exists for this annotation feature class. The feature type has only been included throughout the specification documentation for ease of reference.
Only Annotation associated with, or derived from, entities in feature classes grouped within the Aviation feature dataset should exist within the AviationAnno feature class.
Wherever possible annotation should be stored using the subclasses indicated under AnnotationClassID. Annotation stored as inline text should be kept to a minimum.
Type for large polygons and long linear features may be held in an annotation feature for each word to allow for spacing and differences in orientation, see Section 2 chapter 4.
Annotation should not contain any HTML tags within the blob element, nor should it contain any special characters.
Editing and placement of Annotation should be conducted in the appropriate MGA 1994 zone to ensure the spatial position of type on the map face can be correctly represented.
Annotation should only occur where the associated feature either has a sufficient dimension size or Upperscale value to be shown at 1:250 000 scale or a smaller scale/larger extent (eg 1:1 000 000,1:5 000 000 )
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset
Map Rules
Related Features
Related Chapters
Related Products
Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.
Scales | 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000 & 1:1 000 000 |
A constructed and maintained area for Helicopter take off and landing.
Minimum Size Criterion:
Minimum Size for Inclusion: | Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features |
Minimum Size for Data Captured and Map Representation (per scale): |
Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features Regardless of Scale |
Data Attributes
FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.
SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature.
DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.
NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]
Name of aircraft facility (see Geodatabase Rules for population requirements.)
ALTERNATIVE NAME (ALTERNATENAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep] An Alternate Name given to the entity;
ELEVATION IN FT (ELEVATIONFT) [Single;Yes;0;6;2;Pop_Wk] The elevation of the entity in feet above sea level.
FACILITIES (FACILITIES) [String;Yes;20;0;0;Pop_Dep] The existence of Facilities associated with Aeronautical Features such as an Aerodrome;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AviationFacilities;
Closed Facilities
Not Applicable
With Facilities
Without Facilities
STATUS (STATUS) [String;Yes(No);18;0;0;Pop_Req] Code for operational status;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AviationStatus;
Under Construction
USAGE (USAGES) [String;Yes;75;0;0;Pop_Wk] The description of the type of civil and/or military use of the Aircraft Facility;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_Usages;
Civil Water
FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Spatial Verification
FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.
ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6) ; Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Attribute Verification.
ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.
PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. (See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information);
METADATA COMMENTS (METADATACOMMENT) [String;Yes;1000;0;0;Pop_Dep] Comments expanding on the issues related to data capture, representation or sources.
REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
STAKEHOLDERID (STKEHDRID) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the id used by GA stakeholders or collaborators to identify the link between data maintained, captured or held by GA and their own datasets.
STAKEHOLDER NAME RELATED TO ID ENTRY (STKEHDRNAME) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the name of stakeholders or collaborators from whom the stakeholderid has been derived and data link is maintained.
UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;
UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;25;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainty;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;
Automatically Assigned
VERIFICATION STATUS (VERIFICATIONSTATUS) [String;Yes;30;0;0;Pop_Req] The verification status of the confirmation of Aircraft Facility existence (and where available attribution);
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_VerificationStatus;
Agency Confirmation
Field Verified
Private Contact Confirmation
EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;5;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.
SYMBOL FOR 100 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL100K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 250 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL250K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 1 000 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOLWAC1Mil) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
GLOBAL IDENTIFIER (GlobalID) [Global ID;Yes;Pop_Aut] A unique system generated Global Identifier. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
Geodatabase Rules
General - All Scales
Helipads will be named where named in revision material supplied.
Helipads will be included within the boundaries of another Aircraft facility, a Built Up Area or a Recreation Area Polygon, however it will only be symbolised if space and cartographic generalisation permits.
A Helipad with a status of Unknown in the base material/digital data or NTDB should be reviewed against supplied reference material and if it status can not be established, a producer should request clarification (via an action request) from Geoscience Australia on how to proceed.
Helipads which have been decommissioned should be given an Upperscale of 25 000.
Abandoned Helipads should be given an Upperscale of 100 000 unless Geoscience Australia provides direction for them to be attributed with an Upperscale of 250 000 in highly vegetated areas for emergency response or rescue purposes.
With the exception of the above sentence, only operational and under construction helipads will be acceptable for Upperscale values of 1:250 000 and smaller scales (larger areas) e.g 1:250 000, 1: 1 000 000. Refer to the inter-relationship rules for more information on the Upperscale values of helipads.
Which helipads will be assigned an Upperscale of 1 000 000 will be conducted based on Geoscience Australia's direction for the production of WACs. When no direction is provided only those helipads shown on existing WAC will be assigned/retained with an Upperscale of 1 000 000.
In general, only heliports with a status of 'Operational' will be symbolised. All other status categories will be assigned the symbol 2 - Point No Draw, the only exception will be abandoned heliports in highly vegetated areas which could be easily cleared for emergency response (eg fire fighting) or rescue purposes.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset
General - All Scales
Helipads associated with an Airport Area or Landing Ground will be given an upperscale entry reflective of its unacceptability at 1:250 000 (e.g within the range of 0 to 100 000).
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset
General - All Scales
Helipads existing within the boundaries of a Built Up Area or Recreation Area polygon will be given an Upperscale Value reflective of its unacceptability at 1:250 000 (eg within the range of 0 to 100 000)
Heliport cannot overlap;
Pondage Area (Feature Class), Cemetery Area, Waste Management Area, Rapid Area
Map Rules
1:25 000
Helipads within the boundaries of another Aircraft facility, Built Up Area or a Recreation Area Polygon will only be symbolised if space and cartographic generalisation permits.
1:100 000
Helipads within the boundaries of another Aircraft facility, Built Up Area or a Recreation Area Polygon will only be symbolised if space and cartographic generalisation permits.
General - All Scales
Helipads will not be named. Military Helipads will not be given any indication of their military nature.
In general, only heliports with a status of 'Operational' will be represented on the map face. All other status categories will be assigned the symbol 2 - Point No Draw. The only exception will be abandoned heliports in highly vegetated areas which could be easily cleared for emergency response (eg fire fighting) or rescue purposes, these should be labelled as 'abandoned'
Related Features
Related Chapters
Related Products
Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.
Scales | 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000 & 1:1 000 000 |
Landing Ground
A paved or cleared strip on which aircraft take off and land.
Minimum Size Criterion:
Minimum Size for Inclusion: | Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features |
Minimum Size for Data Captured and Map Representation (per scale): |
Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features Regardless of Scale |
Data Attributes
FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.
Landing Ground
SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature.
DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.
NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]
This name of the landing ground (see geodatabase rules for more details);
ALTERNATIVE NAME (ALTERNATENAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep] An Alternate Name given to the entity;
ELEVATION IN FT (ELEVATIONFT) [Single;Yes;0;6;2;Pop_Wk] The elevation of the entity in feet above sea level.
FACILITIES (FACILITIES) [String;Yes;20;0;0;Pop_Dep] The existence of Facilities associated with Aeronautical Features such as an Aerodrome;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AviationFacilities;
Closed Facilities
Not Applicable
With Facilities
Without Facilities
SEASONAL (LANDINGACCESS) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Wk] The description of the ability to access the landing facility by an aircraft caused by weather or seasonal consideration;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_LandingAccess;
Year Round
Weather Permitting
STATUS (STATUS) [String;Yes(No);18;0;0;Pop_Req] Code for operational status;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AviationStatus;
Under Construction
SURFACE (SURFACE) [String;Yes;24;0;0;Pop_Req] The description of the landing surface of the Aircraft Facility;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_Surface;
USAGE (USAGES) [String;Yes;75;0;0;Pop_Wk] The description of the type of civil and/or military use of the Aircraft Facility;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_Usages;
Civil Water
FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Spatial Verification
FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.
ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6) ; Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Attribute Verification.
ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.
PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. (See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information);
METADATA COMMENTS (METADATACOMMENT) [String;Yes;1000;0;0;Pop_Dep] Comments expanding on the issues related to data capture, representation or sources.
REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
STAKEHOLDERID (STKEHDRID) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the id used by GA stakeholders or collaborators to identify the link between data maintained, captured or held by GA and their own datasets.
STAKEHOLDER NAME RELATED TO ID ENTRY (STKEHDRNAME) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the name of stakeholders or collaborators from whom the stakeholderid has been derived and data link is maintained.
UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;
UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;25;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainty;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;
Automatically Assigned
VERIFICATION STATUS (VERIFICATIONSTATUS) [String;Yes;30;0;0;Pop_Req] The verification status of the confirmation of Aircraft Facility existence (and where available attribution);
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_VerificationStatus;
Agency Confirmation
Field Verified
Private Contact Confirmation
TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.
DIMENSION (DIMENSION) [Double;Yes;0;15;0;Pop_Dep] This is the dimension of the linear feature in metres or the polygon feature in square metres as measured in the MGA94 projection of the appropriate zone. This field will be populated internally by Geoscience Australia and should not be altered in any form by producers.
EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;5;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.
SYMBOL FOR 100 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL100K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 250 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL250K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 1 000 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOLWAC1Mil) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
GLOBAL IDENTIFIER (GlobalID) [Global ID;Yes;Pop_Aut] A unique system generated Global Identifier. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
Geodatabase Rules
General - All Scales
Aircraft Facilities must be confirmed using approved reference or supporting material. If a producer is unable to verify the status or existence of an Aircraft Facility currently held within the base material then an Action Request should be directed to Geoscience Australia requesting information on how to proceed.
The classification of facilities will be done according to the Enroute Supplement Australia published by Airservices Australia and supplied as reference material. Only facilities shown as licensed, certified or registered in the Enroute Supplement will be represented using the Runway feature type. If the facility is not listed in the supplement or is listed as unlicensed, uncertified or unregistered it will be represented using the Landing Ground feature type.
Landing Grounds of historical significance will be assigned a textnote of 'historical'. Geoscience Australia will supply information within project instructions if historical landing grounds exist within a work package supplied to producers.
The elevation in feet of landing grounds should be derived from the Enroute Supplement Australia in the first instance. If the information is unavailable then the National Airfield Directory should be used.
The feature and attribute reliabilities will be the date of the Enroute Supplement Australia, Imagery or the base material/digital data as appropriate.
When supplied with a change guide for aviation the above specifications will be taken into account unless otherwise documented.
The alignment of landing grounds should be checked against imagery whenever possible as it can change over time.
Decommissioned Landing Grounds which are no longer visible on imagery and have no historical significance will not be eligible for an Upperscale Value of 100 000 or smaller scale (larger area). All other landing grounds should have a minimum Upperscale Value of 100 000.
At every location where landing grounds exist, one landing strip should be classified with an Upperscale of 250 000. Where there is more than one landing ground at a location, only the main landing strip should be classified with an Upperscale of 250 000 or smaller scale (larger area). The main landing strip will be determined by information held in the status, surface type, length and landing access fields. The main landing strip would be that which provides the most reliable and easiest access to the location (eg Operational/Bitumen/1000m/Year Round).
Direction will be provided by Airservices Australia on which landing grounds will be applicable to be shown on the 1:1,000,000 scale WAC product.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset
General - All Scales
A Landing Ground must not overlap;
Airport Area
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset
General - All Scales
Landing Grounds cannot overlap;
Pondage Area (Feature Class), Cemetery Area, Waste Management Area, Rapid Area
Map Rules
General - All Scales
All Operational and Historic Landing Grounds will be represented on the map face.
Only Historical Landing Grounds will be named, where known, and labelled with the descriptive note 'historical'
Military aircraft facilities will be symbolised in the same way as civil facilities, but will not be named nor given any other indication of their military nature.
All landing grounds will be labelled with a descriptive note "landing ground", this will be derived from the feature type field.
All landing grounds that have a status other than 'Decommissioned' and 'Abandoned' will be shown on the map face. In addition, only 'Decommissioned' and 'Abandoned' landing grounds which are visible on imagery or of historical significance will be shown on the map face and in these cases would be labelled with a descriptive note regarding their status.
All landing grounds with a status of 'Under Construction' will be labelled with the descriptive note 'under construction'
Related Features
Related Chapters
Related Products
Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.
Scales | 1:1 000 000 |
Navigation Aid
Variable forms of marker or devices that aid travellers in determining their position or safe course, and generally associated with assisting aviation navigation.
Minimum Size Criterion:
Minimum Size for Inclusion: | Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features |
Minimum Size for Data Captured and Map Representation (per scale): |
Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features Regardless of Scale |
Data Attributes
FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.
Navigation Aid
NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]
The name of the navigation aid. This item should be populated where name is known.
HEIGHT (HEIGHT) [Single;Yes;0;6;2;Pop_Wk] Height of feature above ground level.
RELATIONSHIP (RELATIONSHIP) [String;Yes;12;0;0;Pop_Req] Relationship to sea level for marine features or to ground level for land based features;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AviationRelationship;
Above Ground
SYSTEM (SYSTEM) [String;Yes;75;0;0;Pop_Wk] The Navigation Systems Type;
FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Spatial Verification
FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.
ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6) ; Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Attribute Verification.
ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.
PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. (See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information);
REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.
EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;5;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.
SYMBOL FOR 1 000 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOLWAC1Mil) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
GLOBAL IDENTIFIER (GlobalID) [Global ID;Yes;Pop_Aut] A unique system generated Global Identifier. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
Geodatabase Rules
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset
Map Rules
Related Features
Related Chapters
Related Products
Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.
Scales | 1:1 000 000 |
Navigation Light
An entity providing a source of illumination to assist in the safe navigation of aircraft.
Minimum Size Criterion:
Minimum Size for Inclusion: | Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features |
Minimum Size for Data Captured and Map Representation (per scale): |
Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features Regardless of Scale |
Data Attributes
FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.
Navigation Light
COLOUR (COLOUR) [String;Yes;12;0;0;Pop_Wk] The colour of the Light projected from the feature.
Colours will be concatenated when more than one colour is projected e.g. BuGW.
Valid entries will be as per the following, and the case will be as shown;
B - represents Blue
G - represents Green
R - represents Red
W - represents White
Y - represents Yellow, Amber or Orange
DURATION (DURATION) [String;Yes;12;0;0;Pop_Wk] Duration of the cycle in seconds.
ELEVATION (ELEVATION) [Double;Yes(No);0;7;2;Pop_Req] Elevation in metres from the Australian Height Datum.
FLASHES (FLASHES) [String;Yes;12;0;0;Pop_Wk] Number of Light Flashes;
LIGHT FUNCTION (LIGHTFUNCTION) [String;Yes;12;0;0;Pop_Wk] Function Method of Light Emittance;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_LightFunction;
Identification Beacon
Rotating Beacon
LIGHT TYPE (LIGHTTYPE) [String;Yes;15;0;0;Pop_Wk] The nature of the light action.
Light Types will be concatenated when more than one type of action e.g. ALTNMo.
Valid entries will be as per the following, and the case will be as shown;
ALTN - represents Alternating
F - represents Fixed
Fl - represents Flashing
I - represents Interrupted
Iso - represents Isophase
Mo - represents Morse Code
Occ - represents Occulating
Q - represents Quick
FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Spatial Verification
FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.
ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6) ; Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Attribute Verification.
ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.
PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. (See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information);
REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.
EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;5;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.
SYMBOL FOR 1 000 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOLWAC1Mil) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
GLOBAL IDENTIFIER (GlobalID) [Global ID;Yes;Pop_Aut] A unique system generated Global Identifier. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
Geodatabase Rules
General - All Scales
For Navigation Lights the elevation field will be populated with the elevation of the light above mean sea level.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset
Map Rules
Related Features
Related Chapters
Related Products
Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.
Scales | 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000 & 1:1 000 000 |
A defined area contained within a facility certified or registered by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority which has a well constructed surface designed for the landing and take-off of aircraft
Minimum Size Criterion:
Minimum Size for Inclusion: | Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features |
Minimum Size for Data Captured and Map Representation (per scale): |
Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features Regardless of Scale |
Data Attributes
FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.
SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature.
DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.
NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]
Name of aircraft facility (see Geodatabase Rules for population requirements.)
ALTERNATIVE NAME (ALTERNATENAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep] An Alternate Name given to the entity;
AIRPORT DESIGNATION (AIRPORTDESIGNATION) [String;Yes;25;0;0;Pop_Req] International or Domestic Designation for Airport;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AirportDesignation;
Limited International
ELEVATION IN FT (ELEVATIONFT) [Single;Yes;0;6;2;Pop_Wk] The elevation of the entity in feet above sea level.
FACILITIES (FACILITIES) [String;Yes;20;0;0;Pop_Dep] The existence of Facilities associated with Aeronautical Features such as an Aerodrome;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AviationFacilities;
Closed Facilities
Not Applicable
With Facilities
Without Facilities
ICAO DESIGNATION (ICAODESIGNATION) [String;Yes;4;0;0;Pop_Wk] The designation code provided by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO);
STATUS (STATUS) [String;Yes(No);18;0;0;Pop_Req] Code for operational status;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AviationStatus;
Under Construction
SURFACE (SURFACE) [String;Yes;24;0;0;Pop_Req] The description of the landing surface of the Aircraft Facility;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_Surface;
USAGE (USAGES) [String;Yes;75;0;0;Pop_Wk] The description of the type of civil and/or military use of the Aircraft Facility;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_Usages;
Civil Water
FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Spatial Verification
FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.
ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6) ; Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Attribute Verification.
ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.
PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. (See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information);
METADATA COMMENTS (METADATACOMMENT) [String;Yes;1000;0;0;Pop_Dep] Comments expanding on the issues related to data capture, representation or sources.
REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
STAKEHOLDERID (STKEHDRID) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the id used by GA stakeholders or collaborators to identify the link between data maintained, captured or held by GA and their own datasets.
STAKEHOLDER NAME RELATED TO ID ENTRY (STKEHDRNAME) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the name of stakeholders or collaborators from whom the stakeholderid has been derived and data link is maintained.
UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;
UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;25;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainty;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;
Automatically Assigned
VERIFICATION STATUS (VERIFICATIONSTATUS) [String;Yes;30;0;0;Pop_Req] The verification status of the confirmation of Aircraft Facility existence (and where available attribution);
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_VerificationStatus;
Agency Confirmation
Field Verified
Private Contact Confirmation
TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.
EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;5;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.
SYMBOL FOR 100 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL100K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 250 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL250K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 1 000 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOLWAC1Mil) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
GLOBAL IDENTIFIER (GlobalID) [Global ID;Yes;Pop_Aut] A unique system generated Global Identifier. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
Geodatabase Rules
General - All Scales
The classification of facilities will be done according to the Enroute Supplement Australia published by Airservices Australia and supplied as reference material. Only facilities shown as licensed, certified or registered in the Enroute Supplement will be represented using the Runway feature type. If the facility is not listed in the supplement or is listed as unlicensed, uncertified or unregistered it will be represented using the Landing Ground feature type.
Licensed, certified or registered facilities will be named. The name should be that of the airport as signposted. The suffix of 'Airport' or 'Aerodrome' will be included in the name. When unknown the form of suffix used will be that used on/in the base material/digital data (e.g. existing NTDB, previous edition map or state information). If not previously indicated on/in the base material/digital data the default suffix 'Aerodrome' will be used.
Alternate Names should be captured, where known.
The Airport Designation should be as defined by Department of Transport and Regional Services web site (Designated International Airports in Australia).
The ICAO Designation will be as documented in the Enroute Supplement Australia published by Airservices Australia.
The feature and attribute reliabilities will be the date of the Enroute Supplement Australia, Imagery or the base material/digital data as appropriate.
The elevation in feet of landing grounds should be derived from the Enroute Supplement Australia in first instance. If the information is unavailable then the National Airfield Directory should be used.
When supplied with a change guide for aviation the above specifications will be taken into account unless otherwise documented.
Runways will be captured to scale and formed using parallel lines that should give the appearance of right angles at each end.
In the situation where Runways of different SURFACE, STATUS and SEASONAL classifications coexist on the ground, they should be represented as separate polygons otherwise a single polygon will be used to represent the feature. See Section 3 6.10 Aircraft Facilities for more information.
When assigning Upperscale values, the assigned value in the Runway feature type should be equivalent to the assigned value in the Runway Centreline feature type representing the same entity.
All runways should be assigned a minimum Upperscale value equal to 100 000.
In general, for each airport area, all Runways with a sealed surface (eg Bitumen, Concrete) should be assigned a minimum Upperscale Value of 250 000. If an airport area has no Runways with a sealed surface, then only the main unsealed Runway (based on length/status/surface) will be assigned the Upperscale Value of 250 000.
Only the main runway (based on length/status/surface etc) for each airport area will be eligible for assignment of an Upperscale Value of 1,000,000.
Which aircraft facilities will be assigned an Upperscale of 1,000,000 will be conducted based on Geoscience Australia's direction for the production of WACs. When no direction is provided only those aircraft facilities shown on the existing WACs will be assigned/retained as 1,000,000 features.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset
General - All Scales
Runways, Aprons and Taxiways must be fully contained within the Airport Area feature type.
Aprons must not overlap Runways.
Where Aprons abut Runways and Taxiways in reality they should be made coincident along those portions of the features.
The end nodes of taxiways shall be coincident with a vertex on the perimeter of an Aircraft Facility Area (feature class) polygon, the end nodes of two or more intersecting taxiways or with a building representing its destination point.
Taxiways can overlap Runways.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset
General - All Scales
Runways cannot overlap;
Pondage Area (Feature Class), Cemetery Area, Waste Management Area, Rapid Area
Map Rules
General - All Scales
Only Operational Runways will be represented on the map.
For named Aircraft Facilities, 'Airport' or 'Aerodrome' will be included in the name. The form used will be that used on the latest previous edition map. If the Aircraft Facility was not previously named 'Aerodrome' will be used.
Military aircraft facilities will be symbolised in the same way as civil facilities, but will not be named nor given any other indication of their military nature.
All Runways of licenced aircraft facilities will be drawn to scale and correctly oriented. All Runways should have the appearance that they are formed using parallel lines and right angles at each end.
Related Features
Related Chapters
Related Products
Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.
Scales | 1:25 000 1:100 000 1:250 000 & 1:1 000 000 |
Runway Centreline
A line used to indicate the length and orientation of an airport’s runway.
Minimum Size Criterion:
Minimum Size for Inclusion: | Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features |
Minimum Size for Data Captured and Map Representation (per scale): |
Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features Regardless of Scale |
Data Attributes
FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.
Runway Centreline
SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature.
DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.
NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]
Name of aircraft facility (see Geodatabase Rules for population requirements.)
ALTERNATIVE NAME (ALTERNATENAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep] An Alternate Name given to the entity;
ELEVATION IN FT (ELEVATIONFT) [Single;Yes;0;6;2;Pop_Wk] The elevation of the entity in feet above sea level.
FACILITIES (FACILITIES) [String;Yes;20;0;0;Pop_Dep] The existence of Facilities associated with Aeronautical Features such as an Aerodrome;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AviationFacilities;
Closed Facilities
Not Applicable
With Facilities
Without Facilities
SEASONAL (LANDINGACCESS) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Wk] The description of the ability to access the landing facility by an aircraft caused by weather or seasonal consideration;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
STATUS (STATUS) [String;Yes(No);18;0;0;Pop_Req] Code for operational status;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_AviationStatus;
Under Construction
SURFACE (SURFACE) [String;Yes;24;0;0;Pop_Req] The description of the landing surface of the Aircraft Facility;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_Surface;
USAGE (USAGES) [String;Yes;75;0;0;Pop_Wk] The description of the type of civil and/or military use of the Aircraft Facility;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_Usages;
Civil Water
FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Spatial Verification
FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.
ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6) ; Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Attribute Verification.
ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.
PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. (See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information);
METADATA COMMENTS (METADATACOMMENT) [String;Yes;1000;0;0;Pop_Dep] Comments expanding on the issues related to data capture, representation or sources.
REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
STAKEHOLDERID (STKEHDRID) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the id used by GA stakeholders or collaborators to identify the link between data maintained, captured or held by GA and their own datasets.
STAKEHOLDER NAME RELATED TO ID ENTRY (STKEHDRNAME) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the name of stakeholders or collaborators from whom the stakeholderid has been derived and data link is maintained.
UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;
UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;25;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainty;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;
Automatically Assigned
VERIFICATION STATUS (VERIFICATIONSTATUS) [String;Yes;30;0;0;Pop_Req] The verification status of the confirmation of Aircraft Facility existence (and where available attribution);
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_VerificationStatus;
Agency Confirmation
Field Verified
Private Contact Confirmation
TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.
DIMENSION (DIMENSION) [Double;Yes;0;15;0;Pop_Dep] This is the dimension of the linear feature in metres or the polygon feature in square metres as measured in the MGA94 projection of the appropriate zone. This field will be populated internally by Geoscience Australia and should not be altered in any form by producers.
EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;5;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.
SYMBOL FOR 100 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL100K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 250 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL250K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 1 000 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOLWAC1Mil) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
GLOBAL IDENTIFIER (GlobalID) [Global ID;Yes;Pop_Aut] A unique system generated Global Identifier. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
Geodatabase Rules
General - All Scales
This chain will be the length of the runway, and correctly oriented.
When assigning Upperscale values, the assigned value in the Runway feature type should be equivalent to the assigned value in the Runway Centreline feature type representing the same entity.
All runways should be assigned a minimum Upperscale value equal to 100 000.
In general, for each airport area, all Runways with a sealed surface (eg Bitumen, Concrete) should be assigned a minimum Upperscale Value of 250 000. If an airport area has no Runways with a sealed surface, then only the main unsealed Runway (based on length/status/surface) will be assigned the Upperscale Value of 250 000.
Only the main runway (based on length/status/surface etc) for each airport area will be eligible for assignment of an Upperscale Value of 1,000,000.
Which aircraft facilities will be assigned an Upperscale of 1,000,000 will be conducted based on Geoscience Australia's direction for the production of WACs. When no direction is provided only those aircraft facilities shown on the existing WACs will be assigned/retained as 1,000,000 features.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset
General - All Scales
All runway centrelines for all licenced aircraft facilities will be captured.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset
Map Rules
Related Features
Related Chapters
Section 3 Chapter 6.10
Related Products
Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.
Scales | 1:25 000 & 1:100 000 |
A defined path on a land airport or aerodrome established for the taxiing of aircraft and intended to provide a link between various locations within the airport or aerodrome.
Minimum Size Criterion:
Minimum Size for Inclusion: | Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
All features | 15 |
Minimum Size for Data Captured and Map Representation (per scale): |
Area (sq m) Criterion | Length (m) Criterion |
1:25 000 | 15 | |
1:100 000 | 60 | |
Data Attributes
FEATURE TYPE (FEATURETYPE) [String;Yes(No);32;0;0;Pop_Req] The code which identifies the type of topographic feature represented.
SUBTYPE NUMBER (TYPE) [Integer;Yes(No);0;5;0;Pop_Req] The numeric value assigned to sub classify the feature.
DESCRIPTION OF SUBTYPE (TYPE_DESCRIPTION) [String; No; 32; Pop_Req] The textual description of the subtype classification.
NAME (NAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep]
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
ALTERNATIVE NAME (ALTERNATENAME) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Dep] An Alternate Name given to the entity;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
ELEVATION IN FT (ELEVATIONFT) [Single;Yes;0;6;2;Pop_Wk] The elevation of the entity in feet above sea level.
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
FACILITIES (FACILITIES) [String;Yes;20;0;0;Pop_Dep] The existence of Facilities associated with Aeronautical Features such as an Aerodrome;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
SEASONAL (LANDINGACCESS) [String;Yes;60;0;0;Pop_Wk] The description of the ability to access the landing facility by an aircraft caused by weather or seasonal consideration;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
STATUS (STATUS) [String;Yes(No);18;0;0;Pop_Req] Code for operational status;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
SURFACE (SURFACE) [String;Yes;24;0;0;Pop_Req] The description of the landing surface of the Aircraft Facility;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
USAGE (USAGES) [String;Yes;75;0;0;Pop_Wk] The description of the type of civil and/or military use of the Aircraft Facility;
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
FEATURE RELIABILITY DATE (FEATURERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the spatial object; Date to be adjusted only during spatial change or verification of an existing feature location or the capture of a new feature (see (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6); Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Spatial Verification
FEATURE SOURCE (FEATURESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] This primary source used to determine the spatial location of a feature.
ATTRIBUTE RELIABILITY DATE (ATTRIBUTERELIABILITY) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Req] The reliability date of the attribute object; Date to be adjusted only during attribute change or verification of an existing feature's item values or the capture of a new feature (see Section 1 Chapter 3.6) ; Most Recent Reliability Date of Revision Source Material (or Base Material/digital data for initial capture) used for Attribute Verification.
ATTRIBUTE SOURCE (ATTRIBUTESOURCE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Req] The primary source used to populate the attribute fields of a feature.
PLANIMETRIC ACCURACY (PLANIMETRICACCURACY) [SmallInteger;Yes(No);0;4;0;Pop_Req] The standard deviation of the horizontal positional accuracy. (See Section 1 Chapter 3.7 Positional Accuracy for more information);
METADATA COMMENTS (METADATACOMMENT) [String;Yes;1000;0;0;Pop_Dep] Comments expanding on the issues related to data capture, representation or sources.
REVISED DATE (REVISED) [Date;Yes;36;0;0;Pop_Aut] Date of creation or subsequent revision of the feature in the database. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
STAKEHOLDERID (STKEHDRID) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the id used by GA stakeholders or collaborators to identify the link between data maintained, captured or held by GA and their own datasets.
STAKEHOLDER NAME RELATED TO ID ENTRY (STKEHDRNAME) [String;Yes;250;0;0;Pop_Wk] This is the name of stakeholders or collaborators from whom the stakeholderid has been derived and data link is maintained.
UPPER SCALE OF DATA UTILISATION (UPPERSCALE) [Integer;Yes;0;8;0;Pop_Dep] Upper Scale for which the entity should be considered suitable either in its current representation or in a different geometry representation;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_UpperScale;
UPPER SCALE CERTAINTY (USCERTAINTY) [String;Yes;25;0;0;Pop_Dep] Classification of upper scale certainty;
Acceptable Domain Entries from dm_USCertainty;
Automatically Assigned
VERIFICATION STATUS (VERIFICATIONSTATUS) [String;Yes;30;0;0;Pop_Req] The verification status of the confirmation of Aircraft Facility existence (and where available attribution);
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
TEXT NOTE (TEXTNOTE) [String;Yes;50;0;0;Pop_Dep] Descriptive note to appear on map. Text Note field should be added when directed in the Geodatabase Rules or if descriptive information is known about a feature that is not covered by any other item in the feature class and expands on the definition of the feature.
This field is not applicable to this subtype and therefore is currently not to be populated;
DIMENSION (DIMENSION) [Double;Yes;0;15;0;Pop_Dep] This is the dimension of the linear feature in metres or the polygon feature in square metres as measured in the MGA94 projection of the appropriate zone. This field will be populated internally by Geoscience Australia and should not be altered in any form by producers.
EDIT CODE (EDITCODE) [SmallInteger;Yes;0;5;0;Pop_Dep] A number allowed for ease of symbology of errors or production notes. This code is for production purposes and therefore for producers internal use only and will not be validated.
SYMBOL FOR 100 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL100K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 250 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOL250K) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
SYMBOL FOR 1 000 000 PRODUCTS (SYMBOLWAC1Mil) [Integer; Yes; 4; 0; 0; Pop_Dep] For Applicable Symbol numbers including core values see attached link; (See RepresentationFieldsTables_Aviation.html)
GLOBAL IDENTIFIER (GlobalID) [Global ID;Yes;Pop_Aut] A unique system generated Global Identifier. This field will be entered/edited automatically by GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA.
Geodatabase Rules
General - All Scales
Taxiways should be captured along their centreline.
When assigning Upperscale Values, sufficient taxiways will be shown at a specific scale to reflect the movement pattern. Select the major through routes within the area whilst avoiding clutter. Where all taxiways can be shown without causing clutter then they shall be shown.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - Internal to Associated Dataset
General - All Scales
The end nodes of taxiways shall be coincident with a vertex on the perimeter of an Aircraft Facility Area (feature class) polygon, the end nodes of two or more intersecting taxiways or with a building representing its destination point.
Taxiways can overlap Runways.
Where Aprons abut Runways and Taxiways in reality they should be made coincident along those portions of the features.
Runways, Aprons and Taxiways must be fully contained within the Airport Area feature type.
Inter-Feature Relationship Rules - External to Associated Dataset
General - All Scales
Taxiways cannot overlap;
Pondage Area (Feature Class), Cemetery Area, Waste Management Area, Rapid Area
The end nodes of taxiways shall be coincident with a vertex on the perimeter of an Aircraft Facility Area (feature class) polygon, the end nodes of two or more intersecting taxiways or with a building representing its destination point.
Map Rules
1:25 000
Taxiways will be a minimum length of 75m before represented on the map.
1:100 000
Taxiways will be a minimum length of 300m before represented on the map.
Related Features
Related Chapters
Related Products
Note: See disclaimer in Appendix A Chapter 1.2 Use of Feature Type Dictionary - Structure of an Entry regarding Related features, chapters & products. The information in this entry is uncontrolled when printed.
Topic contact: Last updated: January 20, 2012